Wednesday, November 25, 2009

now , you really really make me mad

who the hell is he ?
first of all , i really love to meet ya boys
i really don't know who the hell are you whether you are still in my friend list
or not but seriously i can't believe that i meet stupid person like you
tell you what boys ,
you call us 'deje' . what the fuck ?!
if kitorang deje , thats mean hg pon deje jugak lah . ade otak ke tadak neh haa
second , thankss for your stupid idiot sympathy and what you care
i don't ever need stupid person like you
i feel sori for you lah jantannn
why tade orang backup hg ka so thats why you try mess up with me ?
plus i bet you're hepi with your girlfriend right now , congrats
aku tak disturb kebahagiaan hg ngn awek hg oke
hey , you know what
i try not to mess up with youu and i still know myself oke
but hg ? uhh ! tataw la
third , ouh loser loser ! i'm not that type lahh
na kata , kata je lahhh
and be truth aku tanak kawan dengan org loser like youu
grwww , pengecut sini datang la weh cakap face to face
and show me who the hell you really are
fourth , i know you're jealous with me thats why you act like a stupid kambengg
DIRTY KAMBENGG ! hahaaha pity on youu
fifth , if you hate me please stop following my blog and stop stalker my comment at ms
tak malu ke haa ?!
and plus you're un-invited reader la wehh
dah benci buat cara benci lahhh , tak payah la hipokrit dahh
dah memang ternyata hg benci kat aku enn
waaah ! i love you la fucking boys

words for thats lovely boys :
aku sebenarnya malas na layan suma nehh
its like a childish , tak matang langsungg
but hg yg cabar kesabaran akuu
hg tak rasa ke pelik ka gado dgn perempuan haaa
tak rasa cam dayus jehh eeiwwww
but aku sket pon tak gentar la wehh and i don't even care about you
tetiba je cari pasal dgn akuuu
and one more thinggs , na kutuk tue use your own words
tayah la copy aku punya words . tak malu ka haa ?! eiuywww silly
&& terima kaseh sebab bagi aku berjaga tega tega malam nie sbb na buat special
karangan nie kat hg , huh -____- fuck you !

to all my readers except my lovely boys :
sori guys for the harsh word . i know its really mean but i he deserve it hahaha
sapa suruh cari pasal en ?
heh , love this post , i really love it