Thursday, January 28, 2010

im away for a two days . tq :)

i want a perfect boyfriend :D

Every girl dreams that one day she will find a guy that does these things for her. even the smallest action can have the BIGGEST impact in someones life.

• leave her cute text messages.

• kiss her in front of your friends.

• tell her she is beautiful.

• look into her eyes when you talk to her.

• let her mess with your hair.

• just walk around with her.

• look at her like she's the only girl you see, because she is.

• hold her hand when you're around your friends.

• be the one to take her hand, don't make her reach for yours.

• be the one to call her, don't make her always call you.

• when she starts swearing at you, let her know AGAIN that you love her.

• let her fall asleep in your arms.

• get her mad, then kiss her.

• tease her and let her tease you back.

• stay up all night with her when she's sick.

• watch her favorite movie with her.

• write her letters.

• let her wear your clothes.

• when she's sad, spend time with her.

• let her know she's important.

• let her take all the photos she wants of you.

• kiss her in the pouring rain.

• and, when you fall in love with her, tell her.

guys repost as : i'd do this for my girl.

girls repost as : the perfect boyfriend

if you don't repost this in four minutes you will lose the one you love.

if you do repost this in four minutes the one you love will :

call you;

kiss you;

tell you he loves you.

repost or you'll bump your head onto something.


today is thursday

today ? 28 of january 2o1o sepatutnya ada latihan sukantara ruma kenari and rajawali
for hari sukan nanti i dgn mekna malas nak pegi membuang lemak so we all
decide ntok pegi merongggeng HAHAHHAHA dalam erti kata lain pegi bedating lahh
so kitorang pegi meronggeng la dekat denai haa . tataw nak p mana dah haaa .
gilaa dua dua budak nie en. hehehe chowww !

Saturday, January 23, 2010

day of us :)

today was freaking awsomeee . disebabkan terlampau bosan and memikirkan pa'ah ada kat
ruma lien so i decide to go to ruma lien . so around 2.30 o'clock i suruh my dad sent me to
ruma lien . malas na pegi sendiri because cuaca sangat la sejukkk *sebaliknya lahh HAHAHA
besh beshh , lama tak lepak sekalii . pegi makan , jalan jalan and ngorat ngorat hehe :P
oouh , tadi tega makan i met mirul and sape ntah lagiii . cool :D nanti nak lepak lagi lahhh .
oke , malas nak update panjang panjang . tengok gamba sudah . muah !


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

im unlucky person for today ! shit !
dari pagi sampai sekarang malang ja ! wtf ! :(
oh god , please help me . im just a human thats not avoid from mistake .

deep inside

hurmmm nothing to say really . i got many problem and i dont know how long i
can stand with it . itu la , ini laa haih -_- school ? huh to many homework everydy .
suma cegu nak push kitorang . suma nak cepat ja . ingat robot kut nak buat cepat cepat .
bukan i sorang je yang tak puas hati , suma bebudak form 5 felt the same thing like i did .
i hate everything , i hate my school to be truth oke . sometime i getting fedup and losing hopes for my spm . tapi nak buat macam mana , just accept that . kita nie na amek spm . tayah banyak songeh sangat sangat en :/

love ? haihhh like the other student , there's a one guy who make me feels like oh my god
hahahahhaa . mybe i like him but i dont know , i dont want to say anything yet . but
i think for now im not looking or having any feelings to other man yet , unless there's someone
who ready to bring back all my hopes in love or take responsibility which i believe there's no one will do it for me . and fyi i lose hopes on love and trusting guys because of some shittest reasons . for now i wont set all my hopes high because i dont want to be hurt again and again .
im heartbroken girl HAHA . i feel so dumb to admit about that ______
i dont think i can trust and belive in myself for new love or whatever gonna happen next .
kepada guys yg mintak couple tuh , im sorry . im not ready for that . i know i dah banyak lukakan hati koranggg . but i have to think about my own feelings too . i hope korang bole paham . tanak la tima korang sebab kesian jaa . korang nak ke cam tue ? for sure tanak kan?
so , please understand . im begging you . jangan asyik pikir pasal perasaan korang jaa ya and bila i dah tolak yue , please laa jangan duk kata plus tuduh macam macam . you dont know whats playing in my mind . i have to many things to think . pasal kawan pon sometimes dah jadi kusut kepala . kawan makan kawan , sapa tak susah en . so all this love stuff i tolak tepi jaaa .
jangan cakap i nie tadak boyfriend because im too classy and choosy . to be truth , yes im to choosy for a good thing . its true right ? but i know its hard to find a perfect boyfriend .
kepada sesiapa yang keep asking me my status relationship , yes im clearly single ! fullstop . jangan kata i tolak korang sebab i dah ada boyfriend oke . and sesiapa yg cakap i dah ada boyfrend please bring on the proof to me yeah ! tq .

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

first traning merentas desa for 2o1o

semangat ruma kenari HAHA

minah minah melenggang

yeaa , go go
kenari vs rajawali

bersukan untok kekurusan hahaha


* next week ada lagi , duh !

Thursday, January 7, 2010

short story

woo , kinda miss this blog pretty so much . i did't updated my blog like before .
finally its already 1 week i been school . gah , bosan sial
pagi pagi dah kena w0ke up early mandi g skula . dah la balik lambat . duh
everyday a same routines . and next week start latihan ruma sukan
and decorate my class .diorang nak buat itu la ini lahhh . membazir ja ha hehe
im too lazy this year for that . but as ketua keceriaan i have to be responsible . haih
oke la , i really dont have exciting to blog abt .idk why nowadays im kinda lazy .
mybe tomorrow or tomorrow or tomorrow i will continue blogging my new story ya . zzzzz

Saturday, January 2, 2010

ouh gosh .

hey , im ready for school with a spirit and i hope it would be a
great year for me because its my last year being in school .
my preparation is 65 % hahaha . hby ?
seriously i really wanna change my attitude .
i really wanna get a great result in spm this yearr . duh !
im trying to be the best for my dad . hope he nver regret have a child like me -_-
fateeha no more love , play , unfocus when study and at class
avoid to be friend with a lazy people , always tring to get a great marks
and trying to be best student .
think about your future yahhh :)

Friday, January 1, 2010



Stayed single almost the whole year?
uih anak sepuluh dah pon haa

Were involved in something you'll never forget?
err next

Tripped over a coffee table?
yes ? no ? HAHAHAHA

Dying your hair?
rambut ori la best ha

Came close to losing your life?
err ?

Saw one of your favourite bands/artists live?
hahaha ntah laa

2009: Friends and Enemies

Did you meet any new friends this year?
yes yes yes !

Did you hate anyone?
of course

Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships?
um , kinda

2009: All about YOU

Did you drive?
umo tak cukup lagi ha

Did you own a car?
hahahaha bapak cek kedekutt ha

Would you change anything about yourself now?
mybee :)

2009: Wrap UP:

Was 2009 a good year?
i don't know -_-

Do you think 2010 will top 2009?
I hope so


Kissed in the snow?
hahaha next question please

Had your heart broken?
hurmmm ;(

Done something you've regretted?
yes !

Painted a picture?
both :)

Told someone you were busy when you weren't?
hahaha yes

Lied about how old you were?
why should i ?

IN 2009 I.....

Broke a promise?

mesti la ha

Disappointed someone close?
yes , hurmm

Hid a secret?
hahaha next

Pretended to be happy?
most of the time

Slept under the stars?

Met someone who changed your life ?
not sure

Sat home all day doing nothing?
yeaah , boringgg lol

Pretended to be sick?

Lost something expensive?
err nope

Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it?
im not sure

Made a change in your life?

Found out who your true friends were?
no comment

Met great people?

Stayed up til sunrise?
hahaha tak penah g ha

Cried over the silliest thing?
HAHAHAHHA of course lol

Had friends who were drifting away from you?
all of them

Had a high cell phone bill?
err ? HAHAHA

Spent most of your money on food?

Liked more than 5 people at the same time?
hahahha sorang cukup lahh